To some extent, i feel that i should not be writing a blog about design (or any blog, for that matter).
Let me supply three reasons:
1. "Of the writing of books, there is no end..." More than ever, i think this applies. Blogs have been, in my view, vehicles for self-aggrandizing, bloviating, verbose and loquacious "jacksons." There have never existed in the world as many words as there do today. And they are e'er increasing. The excess of anything lessens its value. Why should i contribute to this exponential devaluation (with regards to words)?
2. While i have been formally educated, and have experience in a small business, i am, by no means successful, nor am i extremely well-read. I have not finished my John Dewey book. I haven't read the oft-quoted books by Hegel or Beardsley, nor have i fully read even Tschichold's treatise on Typography. And I have only a slightly-more-than-cursory knowledge of design and art history.
What have i to contribute? What is there new to say that has not already been said? (especially when i am not fully AWARE of all that is extant)
3. Finished product. I have problems finishing things that i begin. This corresponds with Point 2. I seldom finish a book, and rarely do i consider many of my designs as finished. Given an infinite amount of time, i would endlessly "tweak" a design until i deemed something "perfect." Unless i purge myself of this flaw to some degree, this blog will never grow.
However, to Begin an endeavour is part of its battle, and nurturing passion in it, is the rest.
To address my first two concerns:
1. There is a proverbial (Biblical) saying that "a good tree produces good fruit..." It's time i changed my view about blogs. I was correct in one part - they are vehicles. That is all. A craftsman and a hack can use the same tools.
Furthermore, words are all the same; they have always existed. Hopefully, the arrangement, combination, and tone of them will produce something new.
Now, back to design:
2. I will not discuss and analyze the business and science of design (which are better left to more qualified persons), but rather the thought and philosophy of design. This, in turn, affects the application of design.
Why should i discuss philosophy? In Six Great Ideas, by Mortimer Adler, he states that "Philosophy is everybody's business." We all engage in it (some more than others).
Philosophy of Design is an essential discussion, but sadly a losing (if not lost) art.
There is more to be said, but i will end with this:
You can be dazzled by technicalities, but you can be MOVED by ideas.
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